Kokuyo Jibun Techo DAYs 2025
The Jibun Techo, (ジブン + 手帳)meaning “planner for myself,” is designed to support both yearly and lifelong planning. This planner embodies the concept of a personal planner for "myself," designed not only for a single year but as a companion for a lifetime.

Features of the Jibun Techo DAYs
In response to user feedback, the 2025 Jibun Techo DAYs now comes in a convenient whole-year format, replacing the previous two-part, six-month books. This new design ensures that everything you need for the entire year is now in one single, easy-to-use notebook.

24-hour timeline runs down the center of the page
Each daily page features a T-shape 24 hours axis placed in the middle of the page, dividing each daily page into half. This is a design that allows you keep two separate logs side by side, such as your work and family schedules, or your to-do list and life log. It's now easier to customise schedules to suit your own needs.
There are also additional spaces for you to document the weather, meals or food you have taken or how you felt on that day.

Dates and days are printed on the top
The trouble with a conventional page-a-day planner is that it’s difficult to see whereabouts you are in the week. We’ve solved the problem by making your position within the week intuitively obvious.
Special paper developed for Jibun Techo: The planner uses THIN paper, specially developed for the JIBUN TECHO. Lightweight and low-show-through, it resists warping even when you rub out erasable ink.
3-year calendar

The three-year summary lets you see at a glance what's coming up.
Yearly schedule

The yearly schedule spread lets you see at a glance what lies ahead. Fill in the dates ahead of time for long-term work projects, qualifying exams and even holidays, so you can work backwards and pace yourself.
List of _____ / Customisable list
Unlike Jibun Techo Diary, DAYs features pages of freelists that allow you to record your own list, such as restaurant/cafe you want to go, books you want to read, movie you want to watch, gift you have received and many more occasions.
Monthly log and habit tracker

This two-page spread gives you an overview of your monthly schedule and habit tracker at the same time. The section at the bottom can be used to log process management, among other things.
This year’s goals and this year’s events

This spread can be used to keep your goals for the year and events for each month in one place. Because the planner consists of two parts, the first half runs from January to December, while the second half runs from July to December.
List of 100 things

Use this spread to write a list of 100 things you want this year. This list will keep you feeling positive and motivated on a daily basis.
Monthly index page

The monthly index page is the ideal place to summarize your goals and events for the month. You can organise them by theme, making them easier to remember. There is an index page before the first day of each month.
Looking back on this year

Use this spread to look back at your JIBUN_TECHO entries for the year and write in monthly summaries. This will give you an overview of what happened in this year.
This planner is not only great for storing information, organising information and documenting the stories and moments of your daily life, but also for discovering more about yourself.
Schedule Periods: January 2025 - December 2025
Material: (Cover) PVC; (Inserts) Kokuyo THIN Paper 52gsm
Size: A5 Slim (H217xW136mm); B6 Slim Mini (H190xW120mm)
Designed by Hideaki Sakuma
Made in Japan