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Sparking Moment 片羽吉光

24 Solar Terms Cement Rubber Stamp Set


The 24 Solar Terms are part of the Chinese traditional calendar, referring to the 24 particular occasions that indicating seasonal changes. They were established according to the different positions of the sun and changes in natural phenomena, which reflected the changes of the seasons, climate and phenology.


24 SOLAR TERMS 二十四節氣

春 SPRING 立春 Beginning of Spring | 雨水 Rain Water | 惊蛰 Waking of Insects | 春分 Spring Equinox | 清明 Clear and Bright | 谷雨 Grain Rain

夏 SUMMER 立夏 Beginning of Summer | 小满 Grain Buds | 

芒种 Grain in Ear | 夏至 Summer Solstice | 小暑 Minor Heat |大暑 Great Heat 

秋 AUTUMN 立秋 Beginning of Autumn | 处暑 End of Heat | 

白露 White Dew | 秋分 Autumn Equinox | 寒露 Cold Dew | 霜降 Frost's Descent 

冬 WINTER 立冬 Beginning of Winter | 小雪 Minor Snow | 

大雪 Heavy Snow | 冬至 Winter Solstice | 小寒 Minor Cold | 大寒 Great Cold



Capture the beauty of the changing seasons with limited edition set of 24 Solar Terms rubber stamps, featuring . Each handle is unique, reflecting the varied characteristics of the different types of clay that have experimented with during the creation process. The magic of pottery lies in the unpredictability of the material and we've embraced the natural variations that come with working with clay. 

These stamps feature the same intricate designs as our classic wooden rubber stamp sets, but with the added touch of a beautifully crafted ceramic handle. The technique of "twisted clay" has been used to create stunning and intricate patterns that are unique to each stamp. The richness and freedom of the patterns, and the degree of intricacy, is impossible to achieve with traditional stamp designs. You'll be amazed at the sheer beauty and uniqueness of each stamp, with no two being exactly the same.

For 24 Solar Terms Rubber Stamp Set with wooden handle, click here.


Please note that due to the nature of working with ceramics, each handle may feature slight inconsistencies or imperfections such as small cracks. However, we assure you that we have taken every care to package each stamp with the utmost care to ensure it arrives in the best condition possible.


Content: x24 solar terms rubber stamps + x1 extra mini stamp (吉 good fortune) + two-story craft box

Size: 32x24x18mm (per stamp); 105x105x58mm (two-story craft box) 

Designed by Sparking Moment