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⏱︎ In preparation of SOMe Market 3.0 𓃈

WinNie no Kobo

Flowers for You Sticker Flakes


Create a garden with these flower stickers designed by Malaysian illustrator, WinNie! Inspired during her trip in Jeju Islands, these stickers would definitely allow you to create an alluring vibe on your pages and outgoings. 

Each piece of sticker is cut by hand by the designer with care and attention to details. We hope her stories and beautiful creations would add some sparks in your everyday life.


WinNie no Kobo ウィン二の工房

WinNie lives a tranquil life, with a mischievous pug BuBu. She hearts serenity and wonderful creatures, especially pastel green and cute illustration. She had a head full of hocus pocus, and can't wait to tell  us through her lovely creations.



Content: 12pcs (Silk sticker paper)

Size: Approx. 2.5~6cm

Designed by WinNie no Kobo ウィン二の工房

Made in Malaysia