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⏱︎ In preparation of SOMe Market 3.0 𓃈


Yamadoro Rubber Stamp Set - A Travel Day



Travel is one of the most amazing things.
there are always unexpected things happen,
and I am attracted by them...

These beautiful wooden rubber stamps feature original illustrations of by Taiwanese illustrator, Yamadoro. You are able to create a beautiful and alluring vibe on your pages and outgoings with them.

Use these rubber stamps on its own as a how they are, or pair them imaginatively with other rubber stamps (such as background stamps, lines or borders), stickers, washi tapes, or your hand-written message & quotes. You could also add some different colour of ink pads on the stamps to make it more lively and create something more than what they is!


Content: 5 rubber stamps

Size: (Bus) 4.5x4cm; (Train, Rest) 3x4cm; (Drive) 4x3cm

Designed by Yamadoro

Made in Taiwan