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⏱︎ In preparation of SOMe Market 3.0 𓃈


dodolulu 366 Girls Day-to-Day Calendar 2024

RM230.00 RM288.00

dodolulu Day-to-Day Calendar 2024 designed by dodolulu in collaboration with Hong Kong clinical psychologist, Dr. Ken Fung ( @yrrelationshipclinic). It is an inspiring calendar that designed to encourage, motivate and guide you through the entire year with the whimsical illustrations and quotes. 

With a unique blend of dodolulu's whimsical illustrations and psychology, this calendar aims to help individuals break free from overthinking and view the world from a fresh, empowering perspective.

This elegant calendar features a selection of 366 signature girl characters and inspiring quotes. Each day serves as a reminder to embrace daily changes, and foster a healthier mindset.

The calendar is bind with glue-binding, can be neatly torn off. It can be displayed and collected, each comes with a designed storage box. Or you could hang the calendar at somewhere visible with the string prepared with the calendar.

Each day, you'll be greeted by a whimsical girl illustration to brighten up your day and fill it with moments to cherish. It would make a perfect gift or for personal use. This would be one of the best calendars that is worth sharing for the year of 2024. 


about dodolulu

Created by Hong Kong-based illustrator Gigi, dodolulu captures a sense of tranquility and introspection in its art. The name dodolulu is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of "doll" (ドル, read as "doru"), reflecting Gigi's affinity for drawing doll-like characters. In her artwork, dodo and lulu are often depicted reclining or leaning against flowers. Gigi has a fondness for drawing toes, and her expressionless characters often convey their emotions through the subtle movements of their curved toes.


Size:  L150 X W95 X H40mm

Material: 80gsm ivory paper

Content: 367 sheets

Designed by dodolulu